Getting my reading pile ready for #Scarathlon!!! Can‘t wait!!!
#Scarethlon #HalloweenMonthPrep #ThrillerReads #Scary #BringontheBoos 👻🎃
Getting my reading pile ready for #Scarathlon!!! Can‘t wait!!!
#Scarethlon #HalloweenMonthPrep #ThrillerReads #Scary #BringontheBoos 👻🎃
Joe Hill sharing his thoughts on Eli‘s Roth‘s “History of Horror: Body Horror.” I could watch these guys all day long 🎥
#Scarethlon #TeamSlaughter #YummyHorrorGuys #Tellmemoremisterscaryman
Yay!! Specifically ordered for October!! Stephen King - woot woot!!
#scarethlon #teamslaughter @Clwojick
#screamathon @4thhouseontheleft
#cocoturns50 @CocoReads
#readyourway @TheSpineView
For the first time ever, actual proof that he does something other than killing in the woods.
#Scarethlon #Teamslaughter #Killerspeetoo #Jasonvorheesdoesthevorpees #Fridaythe13
I never saw “The Crow” with Brandon Lee (yet) but excited to re-start the day with a look into the supposed curse that followed Brandon Lee into the set on this movie.
#scarethlon #Teamslaughter
Starting one of my #TeamSlaughter buddy reads at work (shhhhh). Down time = reading time. It doesn‘t happen often so WOOT WOOT!!!!
#Screamathlon @4thhouseontheleft
#Scarethlon @Clwojick
Hmmmm.... kind of wanted to stab all the females in this one. Maybe I‘m watching too much horror movies.... oh, what am I saying?!! There‘s no such thing as too much horror movies!!!
#Screamathon @4thhouseontheleft
#Scarethlon @Clwojick #TeamSlaughter
Is he a killer or just misunderstood?! #killerboyfriends #maskedman #wearingamaskbefore2020 #letsgocamping #chachacha #haveyoutriedtherapyJason #stabbyman 🔪🔪
#Scarethlon #TeamSlaughter