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Oh boy. All right, first, I saw almost all the twists coming, so that was frustrating. The story was middling. Here‘s the BIG problem, though: A.L. Herbert is a pseudonym for a writer who is neither Black nor female, yet presents as such. I don‘t believe that every writer writing from a different perspective is guilty of cultural appropriation (it depends on how they do so and how they present themselves in the attempt) BUT 👇🏻

ravenlee when the author hides behind a nom de plume and makes it look as if they share the ethnicity/cultural background if their MC, then it‘s a problem. Especially because Wavonne, the MC‘s obnoxious cousin, is such a stereotypical trashy Black female, which becomes truly problematic when written by a non-Black male. Now it‘s not an elbow nudge and using the stereotypes ironically, but profiling and perpetuating those stereotypes. 13mo
ravenlee So, I felt very uncomfortable reading a lot of this once I discovered the author‘s identity. I wouldn‘t have continued the series anyway, as I don‘t care for cozies specifically but most mysteries generally, but now I definitely won‘t. I got a few prompts covered for my challenges, which is really what I needed anyway. 13mo
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5feet.of.fury Yeah, I feel he intentionally misrepresented himself to appeal to a certain audience. Yuck. 13mo
ravenlee @5feet.of.fury exactly - and in doing so, worked through some horribly offensive checklist of Black stereotypes. 13mo
Amiable I love reading reviews of horrible books more than reviews of great books. So descriptive! Thanks for the warning. (edited) 13mo
Clare-Dragonfly That‘s really gross. Thanks for the warning. 13mo
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Broken River | J Robert Lennon
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This is such a cool book. A family moves to a deserted house where a murder took place years before. A sex obsessed father, a mother who tries to save their marriage and their smart lovely kid, who is intrigued by the murder. More characters are introduced as is the sleepy town of Broken River, almost ghost town like. The setting, the atmosphere, the characters, the plot, the genre bending: it‘s all so good!!

Pic: Rabat, Morocco

squirrelbrain You‘re loving your Lennon books! ❤️ 1y
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BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain Yes! I‘ve read three so far and loved each of them! 1y
jhod I also loved this one, I should seek more Lennon out... 1y
Cinfhen I was there too, in Rabat 😉cool picture 1y
Librarybelle Stacking! 1y
batsy I have this stacked, I see. Great review! 1y
BarbaraBB @batsy Thanks! He is such a good author. 1y
BarbaraBB @jhod You should! I‘ve been reading his backlist lately and he doesn‘t disappoint! 1y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Cool place, that square. I really liked Rabat! 1y
sarahbarnes Yay! So glad you enjoyed it. I need to figure out which book of his I want to read next. 1y
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes I loved it! Have you read 1y
BarbaraBB Or were you the one recommending it to me 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ @sarahbarnes (edited) 1y
sarahbarnes I think maybe I did! 😂 I did really like that one, too. I‘m thinking maybe I‘ll read Happyland or Castle next? 1y
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes You definitely did, I checked it. Both your suggestions sound good too! I am having this one on my shelves 1y
sarahbarnes Oh, that one sounds really good too! 1y
Centique Stacked! Great review and amazing photo 😍 1y
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A fun epistolary murder mystery, that slowly reveals everything you need to solve the puzzle yourself. Told mostly through emails and whats app messages, ‘The Appeal‘ has a double meaning. Both as a fund raising effort for a poorly child, and for the efforts to release the wrongly convicted murderer of the late revealed victim. Clever and witty but takes commitment. It‘s not short, and there‘s a LOT of characters! But I found it worth the effort.

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