#ReadJanuary #PublishedInThe200s This was published in the earlier half of the 2000s and as usual, Atwood was ahead of her time. I finished the trilogy late last year and loved it!
#ReadJanuary #PublishedInThe200s This was published in the earlier half of the 2000s and as usual, Atwood was ahead of her time. I finished the trilogy late last year and loved it!
I'm using today's prompt very loosely. I have no idea what year these books were published, but this is my list of the best books I read in 2004. I started keeping a handwritten journal of books I'd read in 1993, and some years, I wrote a list of my favorites of a given year. I must have been very picky in 2004 - not a single 5⭐️. I love looking back at these journals, it's like a walk down memory lane. #readjanuary #publishedinthe200s (maybe).