Sharing my couch this afternoon with the pup and my son, who's home to do some turkey hunting/videoing/shed hunting... #dogsoflitsy #camo #grammaslibrary #savingmeghan #protectmeghan I'm enjoying this book so far.
Sharing my couch this afternoon with the pup and my son, who's home to do some turkey hunting/videoing/shed hunting... #dogsoflitsy #camo #grammaslibrary #savingmeghan #protectmeghan I'm enjoying this book so far.
#fridayreads #friyay Finally starting this #ARC I received awhile back. I think I'm gonna love it! #SavingMeghan #ProtectMeghan
Meghan Gerard is sick. Even though the doctors can‘t figure out what she has, Meghan and her mom, Becky, are sure it‘s something serious. A new team of doctors aren‘t so sure: they think Becky has Münchausen syndrome by proxy. What follows is a sensational struggle for the truth. Once I started I couldn‘t put it down! Thank you, @StMartinsPress for the ARC! #SavingMeghan #ProtectMeghan #BelieveBecky
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ My Full review is on Goodreads now & will be live on my blog on the 9th but seriously yall! U do NOT want 2 miss this! Will u be Team #BelieveBecky? Team #ProtectMeghan? Or will you be Team #WhatTheHeckJustHappened as u reach the end!? Pre-Order ur copy of my favorite novel of 2019 so far, 2 find out WHY this mind clustering novel is #epic.
#psychologicalthriller #bestof2019reads #sneakpeakreview #blogger #bloggersoflitsy #arc #influencer
I received an ARC of Saving Meghan in exchange for an honest review. I love how this book is written, bouncing from one person‘s viewpoint to another with a fluidity that presents a very clear, linear plot. The characters are well developed and realistic, and it‘s fun to hear each main character‘s voice within the pages. Highly recommend.