#WindsofMarch #piday @Eggs
Yesterday was raining and snowing so we spent the day inside reading and coloring. 💕❤
#march #litsyfun #coloring
Happy Pi/e Day for those who celebrate 🎉 🥧
#piday #pidaypieday #iLovePie #iPreferPi #MapleButtermilkChessPie
#WindsofMarch @Eggs #PiDay
Hope you are enjoying your Sunday.
This is a beautiful cookbook, I bought a copy for my cousin and bestfriend. That beautiful red pie is a BEET pie!! Its gorgeous but I don't think I would make one. Definitely recommend for any and all bakers!
Saw this on the Pic Collage app and it made me chuckle 😁😊
Not that springing forward and the sensation of 'losing' time is a laughing matter!
Although it is kind of a perfect day for it to happen considering it's #PiDay! We can combine a nice carafe of coffee with some pie 🥧🥰
Because of his nickname, the main character memorizes the value of pi to many, many digits. Later he spends time with a tiger.
#PiDay #WindsofMarch
I actually usually try to go out for our every Pi day but this year who knows. We are making pizza (pie) right now and maybe I‘ll go out and buy a few pie slices for pickup lol. #piday #magnificentmarch #marchmadness #pieincover #socialdistancing #weekendin
@Soubhiville hooked me up with a copy of The Starless Sea, which means getting off the neverending library waitlist for it. The two of us along with @Eyelit nommed on tacos at The Vegan Nom and sweet treats at Cap City Bakery. Wonderful cherry pie for #piday! 🥧 #thismustbewherepiesgowhentheydie
Went to my favorite vegan bakery and got some yummy peach pie (because Pi day!) and little miss thing thinks she should get some too. No pie for Elliot cat today, tho. 😹
Wish I‘d had the comfort of pie for the first part of this book. It‘s been a bit of a hard read for me. Looking forward to finishing tonight.
#catsoflitsy #piday
In spite of how many times I‘ve read this book, I‘ve never tried apple pie with cheese (I prefer it a la mode. 😊) #piday