OMG this book...all the tears!!
#tearjerker #passthetissues
OMG this book...all the tears!!
#tearjerker #passthetissues
#ScenesFromABook #PassTheTissues
Long before episode VII or VIII...long before Disney bought the Star Wars franchise & the extended universe was still considered canon (and not just legend), author Bob Salvatore was the first to kill off one of the main original Star Wars characters.
I curse that day & the scene still makes me sad/angry/confused/lets all just get drunk and pretend it never happened/someone pass me a tissue. 😭
I cried my eyes out!!! 😭😭😭😭😭
#passthetissues #scenesfromabook
#Favoritetearjerker #Janinbooks18
These two books had me reaching for the tissues. Loved both.
#scenesfromabook #passthetissues
#PassTheTissues - Basically any book that features a dog dying. I have started to avoid them if I don‘t need a crying session. #ScenesFromABook
I ugly cried through this whole book #passthetissues #scenesfromabook