Book 2 finished for #AwesomeAugust. This was a #NetGalley read for #NetGalleyReviewathon. This was a good read, although possibly more long winded than it needed to be. Quite different with 5 children being abducted at the same time, and four of them returned 3 years later. Raised so many questions, why abduct five and then return them? Why only return 4? Some good twists and links in the book, and I would be happy to read more by this author.
Andrew65 #NetGalley #OneLastChild 4y
Clwojick This is next on my list, if my NetGalley app will ever let me download it. Lol. Happy to see you enjoyed it! 4y
Andrew65 @Clwojick They do take forever to download don‘t they! 4y