This book is relatively short. It‘s an easy read for the most part. Some of the advanced terminology requires you to slow down, but most of the book is fun little read. I‘m not going to lie, I didn‘t understand everything he said. I did get what might be considered the “big picture” of this book, which I figure is probably the “big picture” view of intro to astrophysics.
GingerAntics I loved physics in school, but this definitely reminded me why I am not an astrophysicist today; although, I still think it would be cool. I loved that he wasn‘t afraid to explain about all the things we genuinely don‘t know about. I love that he brought his enthusiasm and passion for astrophysics to the reader. I read the book but have heard really good things about the audiobook. 6y
GingerAntics I think I‘m going to have to do the audiobook one of these days as well. Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It has great quotes in it, and it lets all of us nonscientific people to view the world through NDT‘s eyes for a little bit. #neildegrassetyson #astrophysicsforpeopleinahurry #science #physics #neildegrassetysonismyspiritanimal 6y