So excited my 2 upcoming IRL bookclub picks have arrived from #BookDepository 💜📚It seems they have halted shipments to several countries due to the new strain of coronavirus. Happy Holidays to all♥️🎁🎉‼️
Mitch Heard good things about the tagged book. Great book club choice! (edited) 4y
JaneyWaneyB One of my favourite reads from last year. Hope you enjoy it too 4y
Unnatural Causes
Cinfhen Ohhhh good @Mitch @JaneyWaneyB Super excited to hear ‼️‼️‼️Tagged book will also work for a few of my 2021 reading challenges 😁 4y
LeahBergen Ooo, you‘re reading a Pym? 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Cinfhen Yup @LeahBergen it‘ll be #MyFirst 😜 4y