A friend shared the NPR best of list. Temptation again...
A friend shared the NPR best of list. Temptation again...
More tempting reviews, more attempts at resistance (to getting my online shop on).
Another book read and recommended by a friend on LT.
It is not new, so normally I'd have a look on biblio.com to see if there are any cheap copies available.
Some of the longlist for the Edge Hill Short Story Prize.
Not buying. Yet.
Always a sucker for a book advert.
And I've never read Ulysses.
Book reviews are dangerous places...
Another LT review that makes me want to grab a copy...
Someone on Librarything reviewed this (not brand new) book.
My library does not have a copy.
Normally this would send me straight to biblio.com
Because kindle books don't count?
Very sweet.