Interesting story of Dutch woman Mata Hari. Death by firing squad after unproven charges of being a spy conspiring between Germany and France during WWI. I generally enjoy Paulo Coelho, and this one was ok, but not my favorite from him.
Combo of a couple of book swap scores. The colouring book will be for my niece.
Book #26 of the year: “The Spy” by Paulo Coelho
This was a fast and easy read. It‘s okay, but not great. Definitely entertaining and perfect if you‘re looking for something to get through in a day.
“Because that‘s what i sought:freedom. I did not seek love, though it has come and gone. Because of love, I have done things, things I shouldn‘t have, and traveled to places where people were lying in wait for me .”
Tbh, I still don't know whether this is a fictional account of Mata Hari's real story or a translation of her letters. The book just meanders aimlessly and fails to arouse in us compassion for Mata Hari.
This book would be better read as an addition to a true historical review of Mata Hari, but not as your main source of information about her.
I felt there was too much Coelho and not enough Mata Hari in the book, like he was hijacking her.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Finished in a day. I actually listened to the audio book and was intrigued every step of the way. I had only heard of the name Mata Hari, but this one brought her to life & I learned so much. My Goodreads review will be up within the week so be on the look out for it. I will post the link in the post. #LitsyLove