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71/150 A rather lackluster and disappointing finale to the Spider-Man trilogy. I knew I was in trouble when I saw the pages left and know the story was going to get resolved in the last 20 pages. The ending was too hasty, the heroes got lucky finding just the right clues, and Doc Ock's plan, that he'd been meticulously working on for months, fell apart quickly. While the superhero part was kind of meh, the author did a great job...⬇️⬇️

RamsFan1963 with the Peter & MJ relationship. They faced problems like regular couples, unable to pay bills, lack of employment, worrying for each other's safety, in a realistic way, even when you know one of them goes swinging around on a web every night. 3.25/5 14mo
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68/150 The second book of the Spider-Man trilogy. Peter is in Florida to cover the Space Shuttle launch, and as Spider-Man search for his friend Curt Connors aka the Lizard. Terrorist plot to blow up the Shuttle, and of course Venom comes to make things more difficult. Not a bad story, but the Lizard is barely in it, so I don't get the book title. 3 ⭐⭐⭐ 1/2
This book is not in Litsy's database
1st book finished for #JubilantJuly @Andrew65

Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 1y
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62/150 Except for the fact I wanted more Venom in the story, his name is in the title after all, this is an enjoyable if a bit average comic book adventure. Spider-Man has to battle the Hobgoblin, while searching for a monster running around the sewers that may or may not be Venom. I like Duane's writing style, she captured the Peter/MJ romance perfectly, and her action scenes had that comic book feel without the visuals. Continued ⬇️⬇️⬇️

RamsFan1963 This is the first part of a trilogy, but it ends in such a way as it could be read as a stand alone. For some reason, Litsy's database lists this simply as Spider-Man, and the other two volumes of the trilogy are not there at all. 1y
RamsFan1963 3 ⭐⭐⭐ 1/2 1st book finished for #20in4 @Andrew65 1y
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 1y
TieDyeDude I definitely remember owning this. Might have gotten it at a Scholastic book fair 😁 1y
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First it was The Constant Rabbit, and now here I find another reference to The Court Jester. I think it's the Universe's way of telling me it's time to rewatch this classic movie. #TheCourtJester #DannyKaye

Ruthiella Agree. The universe is speaking to you! 1y
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It was very cold three hundred feet down, very dark; but not very quiet.

#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

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Miles is about to be captured, tested and observed like a bug under glass by an unknown assailant! Dad (former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent) to the rescue…

#JoysOfJuneReadathon Day 5

TheSpineView Awesome! 1y
Eggs @TheSpineView Thanks 🙏🏻 1y
Andrew65 Brilliant 👏👏👏 1y
Eggs @Andrew65 Thanks 🙏🏻 1y
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Same character, different artist. A cadre of mysterious criminals start plaguing Brooklyn, and Miles to the rescue. In this edition, we meet Rhino, Tombstone, Starling, and Miles‘s vice principal Drutcher…

#Pantone2023 @Clwojick
#SeriesLove2023 @TheSpineView @Andrew65

TheSpineView Fantastic! 1y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 1y
Eggs @TheSpineView @Andrew65 Thanks 🙏🏻 😊 1y
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It‘s X-DAY, baby!

Book: the entirety of X-Men, with the caveat that some bits are decidedly Not Good and also Peter David‘s 2005 run on X-FACTOR is the best. Really. I‘ve read literally 95% of X-Men. I‘m qualified to make this call.

Author: I‘ve enjoyed work by both Xinran and Xue Yiwei.

Movie: X-Men: Days of Future Past. Is it perfect? No. Does it do fun stuff with canon? HELL YEAH!

Musician: I got nothin

Song: ditto


UwannaPublishme I‘ve read several of Peter David‘s Star Trek novels and loved them. 🖖🏻 2y
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I was on the radio this week talking about my ongoing battle with squirrels and pumpkins. We won‘t even get started on the pollinator gardens they have destroyed. I spray my pumpkins with hairspray to deter them. The freaking squirrel lovers come at me all on platforms. Let. Me. Have. My. Pumpkins. They have sucked the joy out of everything else

Tamra Oh no! 👀 I wonder if the stinky repellant I use for deer & rabbits would work 🤔 (edited) 2y
Bookwormjillk Does that work? I‘ve had to switch to ceramic pumpkins 🎃 2y
mcctrish @Tamra it does not 2y
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mcctrish @Bookwormjillk it does but you have to reapply if it rains or heavy frosts ( unless you have a covered porch ) also I have some ceramic pumpkins too and fake white ones for when I‘m lazy 2y
LeahBergen Great photo of you! ❤️ 2y
mcctrish Thank you @LeahBergen 😘😘 2y
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This one is a little bittersweet for me. It is the last of the Squirrel Girl comics from this author. It wrapped up nicely, but it's still sad to see it go. This one was really good, obviously it would be since it was the last one. I do know Squirrel Girl has 2 novels and appears in other things, but it won't be the same. I will still read the novels, hopefully they will capture the same spirit of the comics.