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I loved this book. It made me feel nostalgic and homesick for the place I actually live and work in, which is no mean feat!
Maconie is unashamedly prejudiced about his love for the North, but his humour and "warts and all" approach saves him from being bigoted or boorish.
I spent the middle third of my life as an economic migrant to The South, which has many attractions, but home is where the pies and gravy are ??? and coming home is a ⬇️

Bookwomble ... decision we've never regretted.
I was surprised by how bookish Stuart is, and his references to his literary favourites was endearing. He also has me hankering for a quiet pub corner where I can nurse a pint for an hour over a book, though in reality I usually find pubs too noisy and distracting an environment, so, again, a testament to his ability to evoke a mood.
A delightful surprise of a 5⭐ read.
TrishB Sounds fun! 3w
Bookwomble @TrishB Have you not read this, Trish? I would have bet a week's wage that you would have! I'd recommend it 😊 3w
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TrishB I went and checked hubby‘s shelves and he has it! It must have passed me by somehow 🤷‍♀️ 3w
The_Book_Ninja The south wasn‘t big enough for the both of us 👯 3w
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja I'm sure we could make it work - you take the East Side and I'll take the West 🤠🤠 3w
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"The rivalry between Liverpool & Manchester is...a vendetta, a blood feud that's Sicilian in intensity, contemptuous at best, raw visceral hatred at worst, each always out for vengeance & reparation...The malice & ill-will borne by fans of Liverpool & Manchester United's football teams outweighs by far that felt by either team for their traditional rivals across the city."
Followed by examples of appalling impoliteness. I don't get football ?‍♂️

Bookwomble With apologies to the majority of football fans who I'm sure are less vehement and aggressive in their passion 😊 4w
bibliothecarivs That is one weird AI image 😆 I wish I could zoom in further to better examine its strangeness. 4w
The_Book_Ninja I supports Arsenal I do 🙃 4w
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Bookwomble @bibliothecarivs Yeah, don't look at the hands too closely, and the limbs don't always quite start and end where they should. A lot of the AI images are off just enough to enter the Uncanny Valley and give the heebee-geebies 🥶 4w
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja I'm so sorry, Jay Tee 😞 Is there a Just Giving page where I can donate to the relief effort for you and other sufferers? 😅 4w
The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble so….you do footy banter, ehhh?🤣🤣🤣 4w
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja It's more of an anthropological cognitive exercise for me than a thorough cultural immersion and understanding 😄 4w
The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble OK Lévi-Strauss 4w
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"Scousers are different. They are the Basques of Lancashire, a race apart with a language and culture that seems to bear no relation to any of the people around them."

Itchyfeetreader Aha I loved this book and remember this quote well! 1mo
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"Jeremy Clarkson: How come if you're tragically obsessed with vile, globe-destroying, penis substitutes you get the nickname petrolhead but if you like trains you're an anorak? It says something about our world that if you are an enthusiast for anything, if you dare lose your ironic modern detachment and world-weariness, you become 'sad' or 'a loser'."
[Glances sheepishly at own extensive bookmark 'enthusiasm'??]

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"Perhaps I have a chip on my shoulder, but at least it's a proper chip, properly fried and served with gravy and mushy peas." ?

AllDebooks Lol 😅 1mo
BkClubCare Stacked but I expect most would go way over my head. 1mo
Bookwomble @BkClubCare If you need any translations or cultural guidance, there's plenty of us Northerners on Litsy ready to help 😁 1mo
BkClubCare @Bookwomble - I‘ll let you know when my copy arrives. 1mo
Bookwomble @BkClubCare 😊👍 1mo
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I've been meaning to read this for ages, saw it on the supermarket charity book table last night and picked it up. I feel that I need a change in tempo from recent and current reads, so here we go! 🥧🧭

AllDebooks He's a Northern treasure 1mo
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Mayflies | Andrew O'Hagan
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Finally got a dry day and time to read my book in the garden at work.

#MaleBonding #Manchester #WheresthePlaylist

Cuilin I loved this book!! 2mo
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Would so much prefer this to still be a book stall. Why do you taunt me Manchester Victoria train station? @TrishB @squirrelbrain

squirrelbrain Gah - that‘s not very fair! 🤣 3mo
TrishB That‘s mean! 3mo
Bookwormjillk That‘s so wrong! 3mo
Soubhiville Boo! 3mo
julesG I remember thinking something similar about a year ago. 😉 3mo
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Autobiography | Morrissey
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"I've come to wish you an Unhappy Birthday
'Cause you're evil
And you lie
And if you should die
I may feel slightly sad
But I won't cry"
- "Unhappy Birthday" by The Smiths


Leftcoastzen 😂 no explanation needed , wish he hadn‘t turned out this way, see , I explained a little anyway…. 4mo
BarbaraBB Intriguing. I used to love Morrisey! 4mo
AmyG Ha! I love The Smiths but what a miserable man. 🤣 4mo
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The_Book_Ninja Not a fan 4mo
Bookwomble @Leftcoastzen He's a bit of a conundrum, so some explanation, probably psychology, is required for a man who championed the marginalised in his youth, and quickly descended into reviling them 🫤 As he wrote the quoted petard, it seems appropriate to hoist him with it! 4mo
Bookwomble @BarbaraBB Past tense, exactly! 4mo
Bookwomble @AmyG Very much a Charmless Man these days! 4mo
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja I'm still a fan of The Smiths, not the man. I love seeing Johnny Marr on shows, when inevitably he's asked about Moz, and he retains a dignified silence, but his expression speaks volumes ? I think the nearest I've heard him comment was in reply to a question about a Smiths reunion, and he said, "Maybe, but with Nigel Farrage on guitar!"?? 4mo
The_Book_Ninja @Bookwomble I did some session work for Johnny Marr for the last Electronic album. He was a good bloke 4mo
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja 😱 You've been hiding your light under a bushel! EXPLAIN! 🧐 4mo
The_Book_Ninja In another lifetime I was a DJ and producer. Arthur Baker rang me up one day and asked me if I would do some scratching for a Johnny Marr project. I turned up at the studio, scratched some noises onto the backing track, (which got used on two songs) had a cup of tea and left. That must have been ‘98 4mo
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja FANTASTIC! Jason Mad Doctor X?! Mate, you're on the record sleeve 😃 4mo
Bookwomble @The_Book_Ninja 🙇‍♂️😉 4mo
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Bodies of Light | Sarah Moss
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I am excited to finally dip into Moss‘s backlist and this story of Ally, who studies to become on of the first female doctors in England, and her cruel and controlling mother made me want to stop reading anything else. I love Moss‘s writing, the beauty and the tension she created had me looking for the sequel at my library before I was even halfway through. #24in2024 #fourfoursin24 #gurneyjourney

Lauredhel Ooh, this sounds intriguing. 8mo
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