My Dark Tower re-read is going extra slowly, because I'm also re-reading Mark Z Danielewski's The Familiar series. #love #fiction #TheDarkTower #StephenKing #TheFamiliar #TF #MarkZDanielewski #MZD
My Dark Tower re-read is going extra slowly, because I'm also re-reading Mark Z Danielewski's The Familiar series. #love #fiction #TheDarkTower #StephenKing #TheFamiliar #TF #MarkZDanielewski #MZD
Reading #TheLittleBlueKite again. This illustration gets me, every time. I can't wait for this to come out next month, so you all can read it, too. I need more people to talk to about it! #love #fear #Kai #kidlit #middlegrade #alsoadults #MarkZDanielewski #MZD
I cannot tell you all how special a book this is. It's for children. It's for middle grades. And it's for adults. Depending upon which way you read it; there are at least three or four ways to read it. #joy #fear #loss #love #HouseofLeaves #HoL #OR #OnlyRevolutions #T50YS #TF #TheFamiliar #MZD #MarkZDanielewski #BeaHymnforGood
So begins the end of 'Season One' of The Familiar...
#book5 #22togo #cats #thefamiliar #redwood #markzdanielewski #MZD
Waiting for each new book in this series is like waiting for Christmas as a kid. #MZD #markzdanielewski #TF #TF5 #Redwood #HouseofLeaves #OnlyRevolutions #T50YS
Re-reading 1-4 of the series for the book club discussion group on Facebook, leading up to the release of book five, REDWOOD, this OCTOBER. #MZD #MarkZDanielewski #TheFamiliar #TF #HouseofLeaves #OnlyRevolutions #T50YS #beahymnforgood #appropriatelaptopstickers @markzdanielewski
#riotgram #riotgrams Challenge Day 21, #coolspines. These spines draw the eyes of fen like magnets. #MZD #markzdanielewski #beahymnforgood #HouseofLeaves #OnlyRevolutions #T50YS #TheFamiliar #TF
Beauty in chaos and fear. #MZD #markzdanielewski #beahymnforgood
Yay, app updates giving me possibly THE BEST, MOST APPROPRIATE STICKER for this series! #TF4 #Hades #MZD #markzdanielewski
Great passage I read this morning on the bus in MZD's tome, "...Or maybe even the words in the book have been area and in such a way as to make them practically impossible to read." This coming from a book whose pages can sometimes resemble the picture here! #mzd #houseofleaves #morningcommute #scaryread #readharder