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Intimacies | Katie Kitamura
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This is a new #ToBshortlist fav. May even be my zombie. 🤔 It made me think about intimacies beyond romance, like new friendship and even how violence can be intimate. I‘m still wrestling with it days later. It is quiet and subtle yet insistent in its plot and prose.

An ICC interpreter tries to navigate a life in The Hague as she becomes involved with a lover and friends and obsesses over the violence of a mugging and a dictator on trial.

Megabooks Did I tag the right people?? 3y
Ruthiella @Megabooks Tags look good to me. I‘m glad you also liked this novel. It‘s so subdued, I can see how that might not appeal to many readers. But I really liked all its undercurrents. P.S. did you google that painting? I did and it IS unsettling! (edited) 3y
Ericalambbrown This is one of the most unique books I read this year! I loved it. The intimacies of what language conveys was also a a theme that stood out to me. How speaking the same language can imply a camaraderie that may not be there. Such a good book! 3y
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sarahbarnes I‘m on the waitlist for this one and its driving me nuts! Can‘t wait to read it. 3y
tokorowilliamwallace Her debut set in South African plantation life was subdued, too. 3y
Cinfhen Ohhhhh, I‘m eager to get to this one ☝️ I might need to breakdown and find out if this is a possible gift from a #Litsysister 😉 3y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Ha! You know me way too well 🤣🥰 3y
BarbaraBB I notice myself still thinking about it too Meg, it‘s quiet but says a lot. 3y
Cinfhen XXX can‘t wait @BarbaraBB THANK YOU SO MUCH 🤗😘🤗😘 3y
Cathythoughts Sounds interesting 🤔 stacking 3y
Megabooks I‘m loving this discussion! Will get back to y‘all tomorrow when I‘m more rested! 💜 3y
squirrelbrain Great review. I have this reserved at the library and should get it before Christmas- really looking forward to it now! 3y
batsy Nice review! I'm very interested to read this one. 3y
Megabooks @Ruthiella no I have not yet, but I will soon. Still waking up this morning! It seems to be getting some love from ToB-reading weirdos like us. 😁 3y
Megabooks @Ericalambbrown that‘s a good point re: language. It is very well done. 3y
Megabooks @sarahbarnes I hope you get it soon! 👍🏻 3y
Megabooks @tokorowilliamwallace I definitely need to look into her backlist. I know my library has this one. 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen #LitsySisters are the best!! 🥰 I‘m dying to open @BarbaraBB ‘s gift, too. In fact, Barbara is the reason I ordered this before gift cards on Amazon. 👍🏻 I hope you enjoy it, too, Cindy. 3y
Megabooks @Cathythoughts I think you‘d like it. 3y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain awesome!! I hope you get it soon. 3y
Megabooks @batsy thank you! 3y
Flaneurette i've had an arc of this for a while and now i'm mad i haven't got to it yet! Great review!
BarbaraBB My gift to you is not one from the shortlist but from an author you and I loved and have been meaning to read more of 🤫😉 3y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB I‘m very excited!!! 💚🎄 3y
Megabooks @Flaneurette thanks! I‘d definitely recommend picking it up! 3y
KarenUK Fantastic review Meg 👍💕 3y
Megabooks @KarenUK thank you! 💜 3y
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