?"This is every reader's catch-22: the more you read, the more you realize you haven't read; the more you yearn to read more, the more you understand that you have, in fact, read nothing."
??#Truth. Coincidentally, I was thinking of this very dilemma today before reading this quote. She gets me.
#BOB #ReadersGonnaRead #Booklover #Learner #NeverGonnaStop #LakesideReading #PureMichigan #UpNorth
britt_brooke Nice view! 8y
ReadingEnvy So true!!! 8y
LauraBrook Perfection! This was such a great, readerly book! 8y
Lynnsoprano Love the quote and the picture!😍 8y
ValerieAndBooks So very true! This is near the top of my TBR! 8y