Nimona is a #jackofalltrades. These is nothing I think this girl couldn't do. And I really want a sequel. #characters2017.
Nimona is a #jackofalltrades. These is nothing I think this girl couldn't do. And I really want a sequel. #characters2017.
The only thing I can think about for #JackOfAllTrades is that romance novel character whose a carpenter or an architect or a handy man. I can't get that out of my head, because this character normally fixes the leading lady's house or business and fixes her heart too 😉 #Characters2017
#Characters2017 #jackofalltrades I admit to struggling to think of a character for this prompt but I decided that Shadow Moon from American Gods is a bit of a jack of all trades. An ex-con who reads mythology and hired as a bodyguard, errand runner & driver of sorts for Mr. Wednesday, he has hidden depths and talents in several areas and his character becomes more multi-faceted as the story unfolds.
Although I never finished this book. Planning a finish and partial re-read for litsy a-z. It has been a few years but I couldn't think of any other name for #jackofalltrades than Kvothe. Honestly, what can't he do?! ❤ #kingkillerchronicles #muchlove #ginger #charachters2017
Photo found on Google. Artwork is done by Donato Giancola.
Win (Windsor) is a #JackofallTrades and underestimated because he looks like a spoiled rich kid. He is. But he can also hurt you in various ways, break into most places, handle any situation and take care of business. Nothing can stop him (including the law) if he's helping family, friends & especially Myron.
Well, Brother Cadfael has been a soldier, herbalist, solver of murders, etc. #jackofalltrades #characters2017 @LibrarianRyan
Ranger is kind of a #JackOfAllTrades, which is why he has to leave his own cases to help out Stephanie Plum so often. #Characters2017
Pippi could make a car fly, ride a horse and walk on the ceiling making her a #jackofalltrades
China Miéville intends to write a book in every genre making him a literary #jackofalltrades. #characters2017