Read to Henry.
“The next day, when Jack woke up in the morning and looked out of the window, he saw that a huge beanstalk had grown from his magic beans!
I love this book because it is very creative and there are so many activities that could go along with it. It is also very engaging as you can create actions and voices that go along with the story.
This story was always one of my favorites growing up because it let my imagination run wild. I used to think about what it was like for jack when he was up the beanstalk with the giants. I always wanted to see what a Giant looked like.
“I smell the blood of an Englishman. Be he alive, or be he dead, I'll grind his bones to make my bread.“
I would use this book in my classroom to teach children about the importance of making the best of a bad situation, and when opportunity knocks, take advantage of it. Jack does both. When the beanstalk grows, he climbs and finds the giant's lair.
Fairy tales and fables are the types of literacy used in this story. Jack takes the cow into town and is offered magic beans in exchange for it. When his mother sees he's brought home beans instead of money, she throws the beans out the window and a great beanstalk grows into the clouds. Jack climbs the stalk in hopes of finding food.
this book is a fun version of a classic story. I think visually it‘s really exciting but the cowboy/old west thing was just not as appealing as I thought it might be