On this episode of Greek history: Socrates might be bae.
#Gradly #History #AncientHistory
On this episode of Greek history: Socrates might be bae.
#Gradly #History #AncientHistory
Took my work to a local coffee shop today. Not very productive in my boyfriend's home.
#Gradly #MedievalHistory
Note to self: come back for these.
#Gradly #MedievalHistory #ReligousHistory
Who wants to read this book for me then tell me the important bits? This book... is not fun.
#Gradly #GradSchool #History #Historiography
I just want you all to be aware that in medieval Dutch a fruit tree is called a fruutboomen.
#History #MedievalHistory #Gradly
Started this beauty tonight. She's a heavy one, but I gotta be finished with her by next Wednesday.
#GradSchoolisHeavyLifting #Gradly
Brown's contention with the historiography, his argument, and his topic is wildly interesting. Unfortunately, his writing is not. It is a sad combination, so unless you are interested in religious history and the rise of the saints, and don't mind dry writing, 10/10 would not recommend you read.
However, because I AM interested in this topic and it was fascinating I'm reviewing this as "pick" book.
#MedievalHistory #History #Gradly
This might be the best thing I will read the entire semester.
#Gradly #Historiography #History