Did you know that the horror movie The Ring is based on a book, and that book is actually the first in a trilogy? It turns goes pretty zanily scifi by the end!
The books are called Ring (リング), Spiral (らせん), and Loop (ループ) and are by Suzuki Koji, who also wrote Dark Water (仄暗い水の底から). All are available in English!
MStew I am dying to read these! 7y
Regi_C @meghan2714 They're pretty quick reads, and the translators dids a good job! I think you'll enjoy them 😄 7y
Regi_C So he apparently wrote 2 more Ring books recently, but due to the rather final nature of Loop, I'm a bit wary. 7y
tpixie Fun fact! Welcome to Litsy!! 7y
Regi_C @tpixie thank you!!! 😀😀 7y