Getting back to reading more of the expanded universe of Star Wars. Using https://www.yodasdatapad.com/booklist.html as my timeline for all the books.
#StarWars #TheOldRepublic #Revan #DrewKarpyshyn
Getting back to reading more of the expanded universe of Star Wars. Using https://www.yodasdatapad.com/booklist.html as my timeline for all the books.
#StarWars #TheOldRepublic #Revan #DrewKarpyshyn
I'm nearly done with this book and oh my gods, I love Bane. I can't stand Githany, I know she's just being a good Dark Side Apprentice, but I hate her because she just uses Bane AND HE LETS HER. It upsets me so much, he deserves better. #StarWars #DarthBane #PathOfDestruction #StarWarsLegends #DrewKarpyshyn