No spoilers (#dontspoiltheendgame) but all I can say is 1. Wow, what an awesome film and 2. 😭😭😭
No spoilers (#dontspoiltheendgame) but all I can say is 1. Wow, what an awesome film and 2. 😭😭😭
We saw Avengers Endgame this afternoon - I swear my son is really into it, he just refuses to smile for pictures. Boys. 🙄 The movie was amazing - I cried buckets of happy and sad tears. #DontSpoilTheEndgame
Just come out of an Avengers double screen. Infinity War then End Game at midnight 😁 Don't worry, no spoilers here, after all #ThanosDemandsYourSilence. All I will say is this: it was brilliant. Before the film, we discussed our favourite MCU movies to date. Mine was the first Avengers movie. That has now changed. #DontSpoilTheEndGame but go see it. I'll certainly be seeing it again in multiple numbers 😊