I wasn‘t sure if I would like this as much as city of stairs due to the change in MC.
However this was just as good as the first!
Sent to Voortyashtan as part of her touring shuffle, Turyin is tasked to find out about an ore the military has discovered which may have links with the divine. When gruesome murders of isolated families begins, Turyin realises that there is more at play than the ore, and that war is coming.
#Politics #Divinities
Lucy_Anywhere I just finished Foundryside and loved it! Honestly, I think Robert Jackson Bennett is becoming one of my favourite authors. Enjoy the rest of the trilogy! 6y
Squidapus Not gonna lie, this might be Squidapus' favorite fantasy series as of late. Stairs was amazing and he got through Blades and Miracles in five days total, no lie 6y