I‘m such a sucker for beautiful books!#AFateInkedInBlood#SagaofTheUnfated#DanielleLJensen#BeautifulBooks#NorseFantasy#Duology
I‘m such a sucker for beautiful books!#AFateInkedInBlood#SagaofTheUnfated#DanielleLJensen#BeautifulBooks#NorseFantasy#Duology
Such a shocking ending, was waiting for a bit more drama. although the rest of the book kept up its pace with drama, action & self-reflection on the choices of some characters.
#bookspin #thetraitorqueen #mondayreading #review #drama #romance #fantasy #danielleljensen
I nearly forgot it's almost July. I've just recently moved but here is my buddy read along for July! I loved the first book and now I'm onto this one. The world was so fantastic and it left me dying inside with that cliffhanger!
What are you reading?!
#fantasy #bookblogger #yalovin #trolls #romance #hiddenhuntress #danielleljensen