Quoth the raven: Nevermore. #24in48 #bookishswag #bookswornwell
Quoth the raven: Nevermore. #24in48 #bookishswag #bookswornwell
Thanks to all of our amazing fans for another action packed Comic Con! If any of our @Litsy friends would like to see us at an event near you, comment below so we can check it out! #NYCC #OOPfans #bookswornwell
Stopped reading to go for walk in gorgeous downtown Greenville. Dylan wanted to go play in the creek, but, like most mothers, I insisted on a picture first. You can tell how thrilled he was with this. 😆
#yeahTHATgreenville #BooksWornWell #TheBookCorgi #Fall2016 🌿🍃🍂🍁
Still haven't made time to watch the new movie. Loved the book though. I'm excited to read it to my kids someday.
The end of Rent Collector will have to wait. Today, we show off @outofprint to NYC! #giftshow #javitscenter #bookswornwell #oopsummer
🏈Super Bowl Sunday🏈
Who is your team? Or will you pass the time with a good book? 📚📚 #SuperBowl #blue #pantherblue #orangecrush #broncos #thephantomtollbooth #breakfastofchampions #BooksWornWell
Brought to our attention: Oscar Isaac (Poe Dameron) sporting Atlas Shrugged from way back in 2011. #BooksWornWell