5⭐️! If I got to make a required reading list for everyone in America this would be on it. It was highly emotional, & came at its subject matter from many angles. It also did a stellar job of capturing the vibe of growing up in NYC. I think the art was a big part of that that. It was entirely black & white, but expressive & energetic, & seemed to jump off the page in places.
#BBRC Teen Angst Hauntings #PopSugar2022 #SetOnAPlaneTrainOrCruiseShip
LibrarianRyan I have been wanting to read this. Glad you loved it. 3y
IndoorDame #Booked2022FromABlackOwnedOrCentricImprintOrPublisher @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft @Cinfhen 3y