This is a raw and intimate portrait of falling in love, falling apart, divorce, and renewal in Beckley, wv. In alternating short chapters we get to see the relationship at its beginning and then when it is coming apart. Scott‘s desperation is depicted so vividly as he talks about depression, loneliness, alcoholism and eventually some hope. #readharder #micropress #100milesofwhereilive #bookriot
Kaye Oh my gosh. I love Scott McClanahan ! 7y
Blaire @Kaye me too! Crapalachia blew me away. 7y
Kaye Have you heard it in audio? I‘ve listened to that too many times to count. It‘s so hard to describe. He is funny but yet his life just breaks your heart. 7y
Blaire @Kaye I‘ll check it out. I‘ve found his writing very moving. 7y