It‘s time for a sitting President to call it what it was , a genocide .We shall see tomorrow.
April 24th
It‘s time for a sitting President to call it what it was , a genocide .We shall see tomorrow.
April 24th
At Saint Peter Armenian church in Watervliet, New York at the Armenian Genocide Memorial. Deeply moving. About to head to Russell Sage College in Troy for my 6:30 speech.
The #3Authors who inspired me most:
Haruki Murakami showed me that mental health issues aren't something to be ashamed of and that some of the best literary characters can be afflicted by them.
JK Rowling brought me away from my real life into a world full of magic and introduced me to Hermione, Ginny, &Luna. #girlpower
Peter Balakian introduced me to the Armenian Genocide & started my journey into that type of history that continues today.