I had really high hopes for the book but it disappointed me. I would sit there and try to read it but it would get boring and never seemed to be leading anywhere. I made myself finish it but I almost bailed on it many times. #whereitbegan
I had really high hopes for the book but it disappointed me. I would sit there and try to read it but it would get boring and never seemed to be leading anywhere. I made myself finish it but I almost bailed on it many times. #whereitbegan
I can't. I just can't finish this book. I got 150 pages in and already know the plot twist and can't stand that all Gabby cares about is her stupid boyfriend, Billy. I get it. She is like 16 or 17 and girls are boy crazy, plus her parents really suck. But I just can't continue reading this book. I give up.
Kinda confusing but still a good book!