I am finally done! The book has been great, life however made it a stretched out read! So many twists and turns in this one! So many small details! I‘m looking forward to the next soon!
I am finally done! The book has been great, life however made it a stretched out read! So many twists and turns in this one! So many small details! I‘m looking forward to the next soon!
It‘s freezing, I‘m wrapped in a floofy blanket and just trying desperately to finish this book which is over due to the library!
It‘s a beautiful day today. The sun is out in force, even if it is a bi chilly. I‘m seriously contemplating going out somewhere where nature is in full beauty. It‘s not a day to be indoor, especially with more wild winter weather in store soon.
A good start to a cold morning. Solace with breakfast and a good book.
Thankyou all so much for your condolences and kindness. I‘m so touched by everyone ❤️
Today I‘m finally able to sit and rest and start what is going to be a long run of self care. I think I need it. I have been pushing my fibro aside for weeks now. So today it‘s me, my book, hot camomile tea, junk food and the rain pouring on the tin roof mirroring my inner landscape. Unfortunate my baby girl cat has deserted me! I think she is cuddled out!
Me and my girl enjoying a moment at the butt crack of day before chaos again descends
Sometimes the weather mirrors the turmoil inside perfectly. Life here right now is not good. There are things happening in our family that are devastating and we are all hurting. There is little time to stop and breathe, but I‘m taking it when it comes.
Me and my boy. He is my sweet companion. And he has a thing for books.
Took this picture for today's tag post.
I keep putting this series back on the tbr stack even though I'm very curious and want to read it at the same time haha. Have you read it yet and what did you think of it? #wild #aprilynnepike #youngadult #faeriesb
next one! I love this serie and I wish I lived in Avalon. it seems like such a magical place! ❤️