Why aren't Crusie's books the basis for rom coms? Like, these are some solid, charming bones. It feels like the 90s sometimes, but this was quite fun!
Why aren't Crusie's books the basis for rom coms? Like, these are some solid, charming bones. It feels like the 90s sometimes, but this was quite fun!
Another old favorite! This was her first published book I think (don't quote me!). Jennifer Crusie never fails to make me laugh, something that is sorely lacking in many of our lives nowadays. Any other fans out there?
Yes I‘m on a Jennifer Crusie kick - and this one ticks off Kentucky for my 50 states challenge!
Well, #Manhunt isn‘t an episode I relate to much! As an asexual person, I don‘t frequently hit on anyone. 😉
Troi‘s mom comes onboard, and she‘s going through a sort of Betazoid menopause, during which her sex drive quadruples. Again, I really can‘t relate, but you know.
So she falls for this holodeck character, but what she really wants is some Picard, but he‘s not a ladies man like a Kirk.
I‘ll write more when I review The Mastermind later.
A fun no brainier of a romance novel, minus the blow-by-blow sexual details.