#NamasteNovember #BlackFriday - Black Friday is just starting to be a thing here in the UK - I prefer the old ways of shopping
#NamasteNovember #BlackFriday - Black Friday is just starting to be a thing here in the UK - I prefer the old ways of shopping
A very interesting read! I bought it for $1 at a library‘s used book sale based purely on the summary on the back cover. Anyone interested in marketing, advertising, merchandising, or just enjoys shopping history would enjoy this book 👍🏻 The PBS series is on Amazon Prime and I‘m totally going to binge watch it!!
The hubs and I spent all afternoon in our yard yesterday. He cut the grass and trimmed trees, I planted flowers, tomatoes, zucchini, and summer squash. I also “beautified” my outdoor reading space with some mosquito repellent plants (lemon grass & lavender)... and a citronella candle and mosquito fogger. Hope it helps!
Wow! Just wow. This is one of the best #biographies I've read! Very informative:- #revolutionofshopping, #revolutionoffashion, #history of well-known #castles, #commerce, #retailing, and how all these influenced #Selfridge. The author's style of writing is flawless and she did a great job engaging the reader although it's a biography. A #wellresearched book. I'm glad I read this book as there were many differences with the #tvshow. #nonfiction
I really enjoyed the #tvshow #mrselfridge. A little #heartbroken when it ended though. The show piqued my interest to know more about the #historyofshopping and the #earlofoxfordstreet himself. Hence, my #currentread: #shoppingseductionandmrselfridge by #lindywoodhead. A #goodread so far!#booknerd #bookworm #19thcentury #edwardians #london #nonfiction #history #20thcentury #read150 #readanythingandeverything #passionforreading #calgarylibrary