Love,Need,Miss wow I absolutely love this series I‘m so glad I took a chance when I first it a Barnes and nobles
Love,Need,Miss wow I absolutely love this series I‘m so glad I took a chance when I first it a Barnes and nobles
I‘ve been pretty quiet here lately, so here‘s my big comeback with this awesome artwork spotted at The Novel Neighbor today! I managed to spend so much they gave me a complimentary tote bag 😂😂 Unfortunately, I cannot show it to you because it is full of gifts for @Pamwurtzler and @kitty_reads among others
It was a good book, but it had a very predictable ending. I enjoyed reading but sometimes I wish that DIMILY was a stand alone book. I did like the book though.
Have anyone read the trilogy series? I just finished it at the end of last month.
This book was absolutely amazing! Loved the ending! Also loved the details about Portland since I just spent a week there with my long distance boyfriend and went to all the places they mentioned!
Finally finishing this trilogy! One of my most anticipated reads of the year!
#currentlyreading #currently #reading #youngadult #ya #trilogy #series #contemporary #romance #anticipated #dimily
Great ending to an amazing trilogy! I would recommend this series over and over again, especially for anyone searching for a steamy romantic contemporary with great character development. Maskame has a great voice and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next!
Read the full review on Book Adventures 🎈
Ein gelungener Abschluss der Reihe würde ich sagen. Zwar hat es sich an einigen Stellen stark gezogen und einige waren etwas unlogisch, aber dennoch ließ es sich schnell und flüssig lesen. Ob es für die zwei ein Happy End gibt, müsst ihr jedoch selber herausfinden. 😉
Dann fangen wir mal Band 3 der Reihe an. An sich gefällt sie mir sehr gut, nur das ewige hin und her ist doch recht anstrengend. Zudem liegen zeitlich immer ein paar Monate zwischen den Büchern, was etwas schade ist und die Story auseinander reißt. Dennoch bin ich auf das Ende gespannt 😊
Perfect ending to a brilliant trilogy. I completely loved it! Though I'm totally gutted it's over :( This trilogy is full of forbidden love, angst and high drama - it'll be one I'll re-read often.