I came home to #bookmail thanks to the generosity of @Robothugs ! Thanks!! It looks like a great palate cleanser for a stressful month.
I came home to #bookmail thanks to the generosity of @Robothugs ! Thanks!! It looks like a great palate cleanser for a stressful month.
2.5 / 5 - This was an easy and fast read. I enjoyed some parts but most of them felt flat. I didn't like the "romance" and the ending. I did like the theme of the book though.
Emmy is still mourning the loss of her best friend a year ago. Kim had a heart condition and knew she would die young, so she was obsessed with coming back to communicate with Emmy. In the past year, Emmy hasn't heard from Kim, but now she is being contacted by others. Told in alternating past and present storylines, this was a fast read, and overall a hopeful story.
Life: "You don't have to be okay...Most people aren't."