I've been wanting to read more philosophy for ages, starting with classical phil. When I came across this blog post I was just inspired to go with it https://wutheringexpectations.blogspot.com/2023/01/please-read-greek-philosophy-... This book does what it says on the tin—it's an extremely readable book with a lucid intro by the editor (brother to the novelist Julian Barnes, as it turns out!) & lots of excerpts. Greatly enjoyed it.
AllDebooks Thanks for sharing. I really need to get into philosophy. My eldest is studying it and her tutor is not the best, she's losing interest 😕 2y
batsy @AllDebooks Oh, no! That's tough when the tutors or instructors can't inspire interest. This was a really nice introduction to a Greek philosopher; short aphorisms that aren't dry or dull 2y
AllDebooks @batsy thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out 😊 2y