In this 4th #SweetValleyTwinsSpringBreak, the twins are headed to live with a French family (they‘re in French, which was established in #46 that they weren‘t old enough for!). But a last minute change in plans has them looking for Madame du Noir, an older widow. Between Liz‘s latest Amanda Howard mystery & an article about missing blonde Americans that Jessica reads, they‘re terrified & go on the run in Paris! The whole fam comes to rescue them!
JenlovesJT47 I loved this one back in the day🤓🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🥖 24h
TorieStorieS @JenlovesJT47 This was a first time read for me! It was fun— though it seems hard to imagine now how laid back everyone seems about two 12 year olds missing in Paris for practically three days!! And it‘s always fun when they catch killers!! 23h
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