I am so glad that @amandalewey recommended this book! I usually read murder mysteries and scary stories so this was a nice change of pace. It really made me stop and think about life and regrets and all of the things. Love! ❤️
I am so glad that @amandalewey recommended this book! I usually read murder mysteries and scary stories so this was a nice change of pace. It really made me stop and think about life and regrets and all of the things. Love! ❤️
This was a book with a very nice message for those with mental health issues. I only wish that it didn't come off preachy in points and didn't insist on “how things are now are okay, actually“ and you “should just work with that you have.“
The book definitely is not self aware to socioeconomic issues and how some people are just dealt better hands in life than others. White privilege exists.