Delightful. Danse Macabre, Cats in the Cradle then two stand alone stories. Those last two were my favorites: the Six are the prey in a most dangerous game, then are set in an AU western. So much fun!
Delightful. Danse Macabre, Cats in the Cradle then two stand alone stories. Those last two were my favorites: the Six are the prey in a most dangerous game, then are set in an AU western. So much fun!
Yay! Old-timely western Deadshot! I love me some AUs. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Deadshot is okay with giving kids cigarettes but draws a line at trying to get them to sleep with him when their father is about to die. (I believe Black Alice is an older sixteen. And considers Ragdoll both hot and her bf.). Deadshot has interesting lines.
Ragdoll: I don't know which terrible thing to watch. Me: how about none of them?
You absolutely cannot let Black Alice and Ragdoll hook up, Deadshot. No. Please don't let them do stuff! Please?
Deadshot is shooting at cult members and one of them sees this and yells out 'It's the rapture! Joy!' I snorted out loud.
Deadshot to Ragdoll: I don't like it when you share things with us. Me: seconded. I need a shower almost anytime he speaks.