Nice, easy, light-hearted volume with some decent comedy thrown in.
Faith vol 2
About: Superhero Zephyr broke away from The Renegades to begin her solo (superhero) career in LA.
I rather enjoyed this second installment. It was especially fun to see Faith and Archer at the comic convention 😁 Overall, I like Faith as a superhero. And it‘s also pretty cool how she originally came from DC comics,too 👍
#faith #comics #graphicnovels #litsypartyofone
#weekendplans Nothing heavy, just cool girl power!! 👍💋👸🏽
I love that the third issue in the volume is all about going to a con. There are even con tips! I wish more people followed this one--except for the hacker part.
Love this full-figured superheroine. This volume had a storyline set at a Comic Con that was really fun! I think I liked it better than Vol. 1.
#graphicnovel #comic #girlpower 👩💪
Number 1 of the ongoing series is more intriguing, adorable Faith.
Faith is AWESOME! I can't wait for the next volume.
Sonntags früh aufstehen und im Dunkeln anfangen zu lesen. Ich liebe das.
This Labor Day weekend I plan to spend some quality time with a giant stack of comics, as well as shopping the new Previews catalog. Anyone else such a giant comics nerd that your comic book store makes sure your Previews is in your box every month? Your issue is free when you bought something the previous month, so yay for the thrill of knowing what's getting published, like this Faith meets Hillary issue!
Happy #Caturday & #biblioweekend