A wonderful completion to the Fire Eyes journey! I loved how she wrapped up all three couples from each of the books ... I really dislike loose ends! And Lady Ella is such a wonderful character. I learned quite a bit from her.
A wonderful completion to the Fire Eyes journey! I loved how she wrapped up all three couples from each of the books ... I really dislike loose ends! And Lady Ella is such a wonderful character. I learned quite a bit from her.
Beautiful cover. Alas it's book three :( and I don't understand much but I'll read it anyway.
Perfection! It would be hard to find a better historical romance than A Lady Unrivaled. Lady Ella's character is a wonderful blend of curiosity and pure happiness. Like every good series, this one too must come to an end, but not before every question gets answered and some in the most shocking way.
Well I finished book 3 and the storyline that was carried through the series had an acceptable ending. Another excellent historical Christian Fiction series. The ladies in this series are strong, smart and independent. The ending is intense and I was a little worried how it would end but it was very good. Luckily I was able to get the ARC for this book, which comes out this month.
Trying to decide if the bad guy is a psychopath or sociopath. I know his father was very abusive to him which could cause sociopathy but his mannerisms and behavior are making me lean towards psychopath. Don't you hate it when you and the characters KNOW when someone is bad but there's no proof?!? #mustreadfaster
Got approved for another ARC. And it's another book 3 of a series. 😃 And we celebrated a friends 70th birthday at work yesterday so I get a leftover cupcake for dessert. 😁