I thoroughly enjoyed this fast-paced thriller. It was right up my alley, I love survival stories! This is the first book of read by this author and I can't wait to read more.
I thoroughly enjoyed this fast-paced thriller. It was right up my alley, I love survival stories! This is the first book of read by this author and I can't wait to read more.
TJ Newman just keeps getting better. This was so intense. And now I‘m crying. I‘m going to have terrible dreams. But it was really great.
3.5 Stars • Front to back terrifying • A pilot's heart attack leads to a plane crashing into Waketa, Minnesota's nuclear power plant, causing an explosion and meltdown risk. This disaster is initially a Level 7 on the nuclear event scale, but its severity prompts the unprecedented classification as a Level 8. The story follows the immediate aftermath, the desperate efforts to contain the catastrophe, and its national and global repercussions.
The cast of characters are simply phenomenal. They are all everyday people doing whatever is necessary to save those whom they love and the planet as a whole; I could really connect with all of them and feel their terror as they navigate an unimaginable situation, as well as their bravery and selflessness. The audiobook was amazing as well. I loved the addition of sound effects and voice modification during the CB radio and intercom sections.
Woo, what a roller coaster. I've read all three of Newman's plane-themed novels, and this is definitely my favorite. It reads like a disaster movie, and had me sobbing by the end. My kid and my dog were pretty worried about mom this morning as I turned the last few pages. I need to find something upbeat next.
Third finish for #hauntedshelf
I grew up in an era of limited TV channels - signing off at midnight , no option to record. Marvel movies were not a thing, but disaster movies were my jam and I still can‘t resist them! T.J. Newman makes me want to pull out bell bottoms, gather some leather fringe, part my hair down the middle, get comfy in a poncho ,and settle in to all the feels that had me scouring TV Guide for another showing of Poseidon Adventure or Towering Inferno.
In this tightly plotted disaster thriller, a pilot suffers a fatal heart attack, causing a commercial airliner to crash into a nuclear power plant outside a small town. The staff at the plant and the town's emergency responders face impossible decisions as they struggle to avert a catastrophe. A riveting story of duty versus family, the value of an individual life versus the public good, and risk management versus a true worst case scenario.
Book 70📚 4.5⭐️
Jaw dropping from the very first page!! The action never stopped with this one. Definitely picking up more Newman in the future!
Newman is an autobuy for me. I love the fast-paced action and have found all three of her books to be wins for me. This didn‘t beat Falling (and probably not Drowning either) for me, but I still really enjoyed it.
The best part of the book is the beginning where it takes place on the plane..this is where Newman is in her element. The rest of the story, about a small town with one-dimensional characters trying to avert the meltdown of their nuclear power plant, feels melodramatic, silly and wholly preposterous.
(Note: I lost both my mom and my aunt within a two week period while reading this, so this could have impacted my review, but I doubt it.)
Speechless. Drop everything. Read this.
As with her previous books this one is a disaster thriller. It is set around an plane crash and a nuclear power facility. The plotting is very fast paced and the fact that you are left with no time to catch your breath between all the action is my only minor quibble with this book. It is also the strength of the riveting story though, as you get caught up in the anxiety and stress of the events. Thanks to NetGalley for the digital ARC. 4.25/5
Taking a #botm break to read a library book. I cataloged this last week and decided I was in the mood for a disaster book.
-a nail-bitingly good disaster thriller
-a plane crashes into a nuclear power plant
-small-town Minnesota
-ordinary people in an extraordinary situation
-you might shed a tear or two
-I believe there were perhaps too many points of view
-NARRATION by Joe Morton was effortless.
Gosh this was so good! But I knew it would be. I‘ve learned that each TJ Newman release is absolutely must read for me, as soon as I possibly can.
This was a fast-paced, gripping, white knuckle disaster story set in small town US when a plane crashes into a nuclear power plant. Three major plots converge into an intense, explosive ending. I barely breathed the entire way thru.
Just as I expected from this author! So intense, so fun to read.
I‘m just blown away & don‘t want to give it away.
As I sat down to listen, I thought it was going to be a plane catastrophe story set exclusively on a plane, boy was I wrong.
Super fast paced! High octane thriller that starts with a bang & will have you in tears by the end.
Some characters are asked to do things outside of their comfort zone due to the current emergency circumstances.
World ending disaster movie set in the US.
Glad I‘m not flying this week because Newman always writes the scariest plane books ✈️
#Galleybrag!!! I‘m so excited for this approval from NetGalley! Ms Newman‘s books are terrifying and fast-paced and so much fun to read!
On sale: August 13, 2024