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Die Königin
Die Königin: Nofretetes globale Karriere | Wie eine ägyptische Königin zur globalen Ikone wurde | Sebastian Conrad
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This brand new book focusses on the huge impression the bust of Nofretete (Nefertiti) left in culture and media worldwide and why. Of course the dicovery is metioned as well. I was very excited about it and it definitely is very fascinating.

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On my way to Germany now. Fortunately the Deutsche Bahn does have problems with the punctuality again. My train is delayed that much that I will be able to finish this one. 😂🙈😂

Ruthiella I‘m sorry to hear that the DB is still having issues. I was last in Germany in 2019 and almost every train I took was delayed. 2mo
BarbaraBB I am always in awe of the German pünktlichkeit comparing to the Dutch trains. However when you‘re from Switzerland I guess all other countries fall behind ? (edited) 2mo
MariaW @Ruthiella The DB was never that punctual and will never be - too many trains on too old tracks in a system that is too wiedespread. 🙈 I‘ve been using it for years now - no change in sight. 2mo
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MariaW @BarbaraJean I am a German living in Switzerland taking trains on both sides. I swear the moment the train crosses the border to Germany there‘s a delay of some kind. Never happens the other way round. 😂 2mo
BarbaraJean @MariaW I think maybe you meant to tag @BarbaraBB 😊 2mo
MariaW @BarbaraJean Sorry 🙈 2mo
BarbaraJean @MariaW No problem! It‘s too easy to accidentally tag a different Barbara 😆 2mo
BarbaraBB I know! Swiss trains are incredible! 2mo
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