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Killing Rage
Killing Rage | Eamon Collins, Mick McGovern
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Since the 1970s, people have been murdering their neighbors in Northern Ireland. This book is the true account of the small-town violence and terror which lies behind the headlines.
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Killing Rage | Eamon Collins, Mick McGovern
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When I interact with non-Littens 😂😂😂 #BookMeme

intothehallofbooks Oh my gosh. This is the best. I love it so much. 8y
BookishFeminist 😂😂😂 Exactly! 8y
LauraBrook Yes yes yes too all of this, especially the book blurb! 😂 8y
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Alisnazzy @LauraBrook I was trying to figure out what book would work for the title and I looked at my book haul pile and was like, "yep. That'll do" ??? 8y
brendanmleonard This is my mother in law. (She's a lovely woman and it's an honor to know her. But she doesn't get the books.) 8y
Shortstack Best meme ever!!! 😂😂😂 8y
OSChamberlain 😂😂😂😂 8y
aLmYbNeNr I don't know the number of books I own, but in addition to those, I have 86 checked out from the library. 8y
sprainedbrain Love this!! 😂 8y
BekahB HA! Love it! I've had friends and family tell me this very thing. 😄 8y
Laalaleighh The bfs mother said this when we were moving. Told me I should get rid of all but a shelf because it was time/cost/space consuming to move. She has these super intricate 3 ft. tall nativity figurines. A whole set. I was like "you know how you feel about all your figurines? That's how I feel about my books." She said she would never understand but she hasn't brought it up since. 8y
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