Used bookstore booty. All of them are signed by the author. 😎 #boostorebooty #signedcopies #goldmine
Used bookstore booty. All of them are signed by the author. 😎 #boostorebooty #signedcopies #goldmine
Just finished this and loved it! Usually not a fan of fictionalized biographies of authors lives but this moved me and made me cry. As a lit nerd, I loved reading about the Shelley's literary friends: Byron, Polidori, Coleridge and so many more. Loooooveeed
What? 3 combo posts in a row?! That's what ya get when #RiotGram gives you a freebie and #FeistyFeb wants to talk about homage and fanfiction. And I just really love Frankenstein lol
Historical Fiction on the life of Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein. What a hectic and tangled life she led, so unhappy so much of the time. she just kept being used and used by seemingly everyone around her. The seeds for Frankenstein were planted early on in her life. Bysshe and Byron were both self-centered jerks, regardless of their brilliance, but it has made me more interested in reading some of their work as well as more of Mary's.
still trying to get the hang of this, but it almost worked! lol!
I checked this one out from Kindle Unlimited, as a bit of seasonal reading.
Happy Birthday, Mary Shelley!
I really loved this novel about her love affair and life with Percy Bysshe Shelley. Their relationship was romantic sometimes, but also sort of a disaster. A woman who was so before her time.