History of MLMs in the U.S., including the histories of several companies and how they continue to operate their shady businesses thanks to their political connections.
History of MLMs in the U.S., including the histories of several companies and how they continue to operate their shady businesses thanks to their political connections.
Super quick #audiobook listen. I couldn‘t resist it after seeing reviews from @Amor4Libros and @jlhammar . I don‘t think I‘ll ever get tired of MLM content. It‘s fascinating and frustrating and infuriating. I enjoyed this, but would have loved to have had MaryKay get the same in-depth treatment as the author gave to Amway and some others. If you know of any books about MaryKay feel free to recommend!
I had no intention of getting any audiobook membership, but here I am with a new audiobook and a libro.fm account. Thanks @Amor4Libros and @jlhammar 😂
(In fairness I do have other audiobooks that I wanted that hoopla does not have.)
Zipped through this audiobook. I‘ve always had a bad feeling about MLMs and avoid those “parties” we‘ve all been invited to like the plague. Really good exposé!
I finished this audiobook so fast! Very informative. I have a friend who is very deep into this culture and I recognized a lot of the traits she‘s displaying in the ones mentioned in this book. 😕
The length of the book was also perfect, and you didn‘t get over-dumped with a lot of stats and facts all at once.
Needed another audiobook to break up the ??? from “Alguien como tú” ?
This is fascinating! I‘ve watched many MLM docs and exposés, and I‘m loving the more in-depth backstories in this book.
I‘m incredibly behind on reviews, so here we go.
Loved this book! It‘s a really fast read on the background of the biggest MLMs (multi level marketing companies), most of which are still operating today: avon, Tupperware, Mary Kay, Amway, LuLaRoe. We also get chapters about the US govt‘s roll in attempting to stop these as “pyramid schemes” but also specific presidents‘ involvement with the companies—profiting from them. (Pic before eclipse)
Another book, another sport —
hello 👋 baseball season!!⚾️ (they are practicing in the grass due to saturated fields)
I reaallllyyy wanted to keep going with this MLM expose but I also didn‘t want to be the antisocial mom. So I *gasp* put the book down 😱
I‘m a sucker of an MLM takedown and this one is great so far!
I really enjoyed this look at the dark history of MLMs. Dad got caught up in one after he retired, and it truly tested my parents‘ marriage. The people who run them are insidious bloodsuckers, and I‘d like them made illegal. Marie looks at older ones like Amway, Avon, and Tupperware and how they set legal and business precedents that have allowed later ones like LuLaRoe and Pure Romance to thrive.
Who hasn‘t been invited to a “party” and “invited” to buy a lot of crap from a “friend”??
Jane Marie is doing the Lord‘s own work in shining a light on the deceptive practices of these companies that rely on the vulnerability of (mostly) women while they are robbing them blind.
Read the book, and may we all collectively cast out these vipers from our midst and put our energy into giving women and families real opportunities. 💜
Very excited for this one! I‘m a huge fan of the pod cast and the author in general, I pre-ordered and it showed up on my Audible account today!!