#AuldLangSpine is up again!! Thanks to @monalyisha for this amazing event. I‘ve enjoyed it so much the past several years! And thanks @LiteraryinLawrence for texting me to register!! 🥰
#AuldLangSpine is up again!! Thanks to @monalyisha for this amazing event. I‘ve enjoyed it so much the past several years! And thanks @LiteraryinLawrence for texting me to register!! 🥰
Registration is open for #AuldLangSpine 2024!
If you've never participated before, I highly recommend giving it a try. @monalyisha puts a lot of thought and care into setting up the matches - every year I've participated I've found something new that otherwise would have passed me by. It's a wonderful way to kick off your year's reading. And I've connected with some truly wonderful Littens 😊
Head to Alyisha's page for details and sign up link!