In which Chast recounts her dreams. That's it. There's no through line or point to any of it. Tedious and self indulgent.
In which Chast recounts her dreams. That's it. There's no through line or point to any of it. Tedious and self indulgent.
I love Roz Chast and her off-the-wall humorous New Yorker cartoons. This collection was just okay for me, mostly because I‘m not particularly fond of listening to descriptions of dreams. But some funny ones for sure.
I love Roz Chast‘s cartoons and this collection, on the theme of dreams, gave me some chuckles, but it‘s rather slight as far as content goes. It did make me want to revisit my own dream journals. I‘m glad I borrowed this from the library rather than buying it. #Comics
Dreams come out of my brain. As I sleep, I am creating them. So why, as they unfold, am I always so surprised?!??
Roz Chast is an original. Her latest is a dream diary which makes me want to start my own because I have quite the unusual dreams myself! Listening to other people‘s dreams can be tedious, so I‘m glad it wasn‘t any longer. While this wasn‘t life-changing, I found it entertaining and a pleasant enough little graphic novel to flip through. 💭
You just gotta love Roz! Neurotic, zany, hilarious.