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Brujas: The Magic and Power of Witches of Color | Lorraine Monteagut
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"Brujas, Witches of Color are ancestral magical beings and the world we live in has tried to silence our voices. . . . This book is such a beautiful tribute to the different stories and experiences we go through as brujas. . . . Amplify the voice of Witches of Color by reading their stories." —Juliet Diaz, author of Witchery and Plant Witchery There is a new kind of witch emerging in our cultural consciousness: the bruja. Witchcraft has made a comeback in popular culture, especially among feminists. A growing subculture of BIPOC witches, led by Afro-Caribbean immigrants, Indigenous Americans, and other witches of color, is reclaiming their ancestral traditions and contributing their voices to the feminist witchcraft of today. Brujas chronicles the magical lives of these practitioners as they develop their healing arts, express their progressive politics, and extend their personal rituals into community activism. They are destigmatizing the "witch" of their ancestries and bringing persecuted traditions to the open to challenge cultural appropriation and spiritual consumerism. Part memoir, part ritual guide, Brujas empowers readers to decolonize their spiritual practices and connect with their own ancestors. Brujas reminds us that witchcraft is more than a trend—it's a movement.
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I am so glad I came across this book!! It had so much for me to digest and work through. Questions to ask and new perspectives to think about. Most notably, it got me thinking about how the intersections of my heritage create a picture that could never be entirely one or the other.

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Super excited to start this book. I am reading it with a book club (decolonize your bookshelf).

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