Who loves Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier? Me. I love him and can't wait to read more about him.
Who loves Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier? Me. I love him and can't wait to read more about him.
I have a running group text with a couple of my younger cousins that I'm close to. Today, one was texting about watching her niece and nephew, and the other one was saying how she's eating healthy salads and making lesson plans for her kids. I was eating potato chips and reading comics. My little cousins are adulting way more than I am today. 😜 #comics #snacks #AdultingIsHard
It's all @optimuscrime 's fault I'm reading this. But it's SO MUCH fun. I mean, machine-gun wielding space gorillas. And angst. I have a sense I'm in for an overdose of feels, but that's okay...