I love Fangirl the novel, and I am really enjoying the manga as well. Excited for the last one to come out later this year!
I love Fangirl the novel, and I am really enjoying the manga as well. Excited for the last one to come out later this year!
4 ⭐ For a book I could never get into, I surely do love the graphic novels. At the end of the last book Catherine went home because her dad had medical issues. She‘s down on herself after seeing Levi kiss another girl and she does not want to go back to school. But her dad is smart and won‘t let his issues get in her way. This book is both about Levi and Catherine but also the Simon/Snow fanfiction that she writes.
Gah. It's gonna be a 4 book series! I missed the memo jumping into the first manga version. Convinced myself it was going to be a duology immediately reading the second, by now I've prerequested the third and finished it in one sitting and yet again I find I must wait. Odd to jump illustrators half way through an adaptation. Only shooting myself for not waiting and reading all 4 at once.